Yoga of the Heart: Experience the Flow of Dru Yoga

Hello and welcome to my first blog! I’ve wanted to create this safe and supportive space for so long and I’m very happy to be here with you. I look forward to sharing our journeys into well-being and bliss.

Now the first question I’m sure you have, if you are new to Dru yoga, is what exactly is Dru? So, take a deep gentle breathe, hold it, breathe out nice and slowly, and let us take a deep dive into the world of Dru.

What is Dru Yoga?

“Dru comes from the Sanskrit Dhruva, meaning ‘still point’. Dhruva is the name for the North star, which remains fixed, while all the other stars appear to move around it. Our personal Dru point is the calm in the eye of the storm, the refuge we seek where we can be free from the stresses and strains of the modern world”.

Dru yoga is characterised by gentle flowing movements to strengthen your body, relax your mind, and open your heart. Experience the lightness of wellbeing.

Dru Yoga is based on ancient yoga techniques which have been refined for our modern world. Known as “yoga of the heart”, its distinct feature is that it strengthens the powerful field of energy surrounding our heart, which in turn harmonises our body, mind, and emotions. Dru yoga gives us the tools to cope with change and learn how to flow with it rather than against it.

A Heart-Centred Yoga Practice

The heart is not just a physical organ, it is a centre of immense energy and wisdom. As we engage in Dru Yoga practices, we become aware of the subtle energy flowing within and around us. By focusing on the heart, we open ourselves up to its innate intelligence and compassion. This approach fosters a deep sense of connection, both with ourselves and with others, leading to a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings. Through gentle Energy Block Release movements, flowing sequences, deep guided relaxations and specific breathwork, Dru Yoga seeks to strengthen and expand this heart-centred energy field, which has a transformative power to create profound shifts within ourselves.

“Transform the world by giving people the tools to transform themselves”. – Dru Yoga

Benefits of Dru Yoga practice

The results of participating in Dru are breathtaking.

450 graduates and participants in Dru Yoga Courses all over the world were asked about the effects of their practice and these were the results!

  • 93% experienced improved spine flexibility

  • 91% gained more peace of mind.

  • 91% overcame negative thinking.

  • 89% experienced improved breathing

  • 89% reported reduced stress levels.

  • 86% enjoyed increased energy levels.

  • 84% benefitted from enhanced mood.

  • 83% felt more emotionally balanced.

  • 81% had greater confidence.

Source: Dru Australasia

Well, that’s Dru in a nutshell and probably quite a bit to take in, in one breath, let’s pause here, shall we? In my next post, we start exploring just how Dru affects each part of you.

Ready to explore Dru Yoga in your daily practice? Schedule a private session or check my upcoming class schedule.

Thank you for being here!

Until we speak again!

Namaste and blissful blessings to you.